Hospitality Permit Specialists

Permit Medic Specialists

When preparing for new construction, hotel renovations, or updating brand identity, Permit Medic is instrumental in managing all permit requirements and timelines. Permit Medic’s experienced permit specialists guide teams through the permitting process and manage each hospitality renovation project with integrity and passion. Whether a brand conversion or planned property upgrades for guest rooms, ADA compliance, meeting rooms, lobbies, kitchens, bars, convention centers or more, Permit Medic works side by side with the renovation team to ensure proper permits are approved and timelines are met. Permit Medic provides permit experts who manage multi-municipality, multi-jurisdiction hospitality roll-out programs and provide tracking systems and plan review status on a weekly basis. 

Our full service permitting includes:

  • Researching and gathering all authorizations & documentation
  • Application completion and submittal
  • Follow-through at municipality level, handling correction resubmittals as necessary
  • Keeps archived copies of all documentation stored and expiration dates tracked
At Permit Medic, we understand the importance of ensuring hotel remodels and hospitality restoration projects run smoothly and efficiently. Getting a permit expediter involved as early as possible enables construction teams to properly permit and implement effective timelines and saves valuable time and money. We offer creative solutions to plan review challenges that may arise and help achieve and meet milestone goals. Our pursuit of excellence and experience working with hospitality brands nationwide makes us a clear choice to meet all your permitting needs.