Solar Permit Services

Trusted partner

We assist solar installers by providing fast and reliable permit services to ensure installations are completed with the utmost integrity as quickly as possible.

We save time, money and heartache by streamlining the submittal process, offering submittals within 24 hours of work order receipt.

We follow through with all of the municipalities and have local presence and knowledge of jurisdictional requirements throughout Florida.

We ensure the permits are issued and delivered in the most efficient and timely manner.

We do this work, so our solar installation partners can do their work.

Innovative Technology

We ensure accuracy and efficiency through our innovative cloud-based technology.

Our proprietary database with local jurisdictional submittal and code requirements allows us to serve as a subject matter expert and resource to our customers. There’s no need to call the building department again!

We have streamlined the submittal process and manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Our online technology allows for improved productivity for our customers – all work orders can be submitted online, contractor information stored securely and projects are tracked accurately.

We consolidate fees and track all invoices and permits, often customizing reports and documentation according to customers’ needs and specifications.

We’ve invested in the technology to support all aspects of the permit process from start to finish.

Fast response

Our company takes pride in our innovative, accurate and fast submittal process.

We gather all customer information electronically, securely store and accurately transfer required information to permit applications.

Our timely response rate and turnaround time has led our customers to come to us over and over again. We take pride in the investments we’ve made in customer service, technology and industry knowledge.

We do this work, so you can do your work.